Here’s my theory on treats. Enjoy them. Make them from real ingredients and opt for organic as much as you can.
I mean if you’re going to put any information into your body… give it what it can read. Making your own treats is much more healthy than anything out of a package. You know what’s in them. Perfect.
Okay enough talk. Let’s do this:
This is the recipe I found and initially used… but below is my spin on it.
- 1 cup Gluten free flour. I love Bob’s Red Mill’s Paleo Baking Flour.
- 1/2 cup rolled oats. My favorite is One Degree Sprouted Rolled Oats
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp sea salt (a touch more to top cookies) – drop iodized salt and get yourself some nice pink sea salt. It’s has trace minerals our bodies needs, rather than being stripped of them via chemical processing.
- 6 tbsp grass fed butter (Kerry Gold all the way) or you can use coconut oil. Butter to be room temp. Coconut oil softened like butter.
- 3/4 cup organic coconut sugar
- 6 tbsp peanut butter
- 1 ...