Beet, Apple, and Fennel Salad

The liver is the most important detoxification organ in our body! It works DAY and NIGHT to take care of us, so it’s paramount we take care of it!

This salad is created with nourishing plants that support the liver and other organs that work in tandem with it. The star ingredient in this salad is beets and beet greens. High in betalains, beets helps reduce inflammation, protect against oxidative stress and can help reduce risk of liver damage. They are also a wonderful source of fiber and vitamin C, which naturally cleanse the digestive system.

Also, I love using cold pressed flaxseed oil as it is high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids (essential to life), can help help improve gut and skin health. I add it to all my homemade salad dressings and smoothies!

Okay let’s do this!


  • 1 large beet, grated
  • 1/2 apple, grated
  • 1/2 large fennel bulb, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup beet greens, finely chopped
  • Juice from 2 whole lemons
  • 3-4 Tbsp of organic, cold-pressed flaxseed oil


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his super simple and nutritious side dish, is one I often overlook. I usually always buy a big head of cabbage every week… and when it’s still lurking around in the fridge after a few days, I either make my Asian cabbage slaw or this warming recipe as a perfect side dish for any clean meat!

Red cabbage is so good for us! It’s packed with disease-fighting and gut healing nutrients. One of the top vitamin C foods on the planet, it supports our immune system and it’s loaded with fiber… which every human needs more of in their diet!

If you want to learn more about the benefits of this cruciferous vegetable, check out Dr. Axe’s article ALL about it’s healthiness!

This simple recipe is easy and can be a quick side dish to cook along side your wild caught salmon, grass fed steak, or roasted pasture raised chicken.

Okay, let’s do this!


  • 2 Tbsp Grass Fed Butter or Coconut Oil
  • 1 Yellow Onion – chopped
  • 1/2 large head of red cabbage shredded (6-8 cups)
  • 1 granny smith apple (
  • ...
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Uncategorized Jun 01, 2020

Do you know what the most powerful words are, and what you put after them shapes your reality?

“I AM ______.”

For so long I was in a “I am SO tired” mode. I was tired of motherhood, the monotony of life, and felt joyless. I was searching and searching for reasons I was in this fucking funk. I was miserable and creating misery around me. It was straining my relationships and causing our sacred space at home to feel toxic. I just couldn’t get out of this space.

Now, I knew intellectually how powerful thoughts are… and even more how the thoughts that become words are the most powerful force available to us.
Words are energy! They have the ability to heal, help, and create a better world. We can cchoose to create encouragement, peace, and love, or use them for our and other’s destruction.

Most of us use our words unconsciously. I was bringing my stories and habitual thinking, based around scarcity and conflict, into my world. I was manifesting scarcity and conflict. WHY?

Why, because t...

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breakfast hippie kitchen May 20, 2020

Who doesn’t love waffles? I mean really?

If you haven’t figured it out yet, when it comes to food, I make every bite that goes into my body nutrient-dense and the most nourishing as I can. When so many people are against grains and carbs these days, I rebel and say “YES YOU CAN HAVE BREAD, WAFFLES, PANCAKES, MUFFINS, etc.” It’s all about how you prepare them! We are moving back to tradition and slow food my friends.

Like with everything we eat, there is always a way to source better ingredients and create our fuel in a way that shifts it into information our body can receive and metabolize.

My kids love waffles. I mean LOVE them. For a long time I researched on how to create waffles so that I felt good about feeding my little spawns. Behold Sourdough Buttermilk Waffles.

Using a sourdough starter and organic and grass-fed whole milk buttermilk creates a light and fluffy mixture that manifests into magical yummy-ness.

If you’ve never created a sourdough starter before, don’t worry! ...

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Uncategorized May 17, 2020

Remember when eggs were demonized as having too much cholesterol? Me too. I love using this analogy for people who still think that cholesterol is bad… blaming cholesterol is like blaming firefighters for starting the very fire they are putting out! Cholesterol is a healing agent in the body!

In her book, Put Your Heart in Your Mouth, Dr. Natash Campbell-McBride, she writes: “Cholesterol is an essential part of any cell membrane; in fact, in many cells of the body almost half of the cell wall is made out of cholesterol.” She also notes that “It is an established scientific fact that the body uses fats and cholesterol as raw materials for building cells and tissues, which include ALL healing processes.”

We NEED cholesterol. It’s vital to our overall health and well being. It’s vital this information gets out there! I highly recommend her book if you or someone you know suffers from or has suffered from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, heart attacks, and “high cholestero...

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Uncategorized May 11, 2020

Here’s my theory on treats. Enjoy them. Make them from real ingredients and opt for organic as much as you can.

I mean if you’re going to put any information into your body… give it what it can read. Making your own treats is much more healthy than anything out of a package. You know what’s in them. Perfect.

Okay enough talk. Let’s do this:

This is the recipe I found and initially used… but below is my spin on it.


  • 1 cup Gluten free flour. I love Bob’s Red Mill’s Paleo Baking Flour.
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats. My favorite is One Degree Sprouted Rolled Oats
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt (a touch more to top cookies) – drop iodized salt and get yourself some nice pink sea salt. It’s has trace minerals our bodies needs, rather than being stripped of them via chemical processing.
  • 6 tbsp grass fed butter (Kerry Gold all the way) or you can use coconut oil. Butter to be room temp. Coconut oil softened like butter.
  • 3/4 cup organic coconut sugar
  • 6 tbsp peanut butter or a
  • ...
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Healthy Coleslaw

Does cooking help anyone else relieve stress? For me, being in my kitchen, creating nourishing foods, listening to soft jazz or meditative music helps me get into the flow and out of my head.

Last night I was decompressing from day 2 at home in isolation with 2 wild and extremely independent boys.

I started craving cabbage (weird, I know) and decided to make a huge batch of my cabbage slaw. Did you know, stress can deplete nutrients in the body.

It’s simple and so yummy served with any clean meat like wild-caught salmon or chicken… sometimes I’ll make breaded cod fried in beef tallow or ghee (recipe coming soon) and serve it up with this slaw… my mouth is watering. It’s also a great dish to bring to a BBQ, when we can attend those again 🙂

Cabbage is so good for us! It’s packed with so many nutrients, fiber, and is so good for your digestive tract! This salad is full of antioxidants, healthy fats, and tons of nutrients!

If you need a simple and nourishing slaw recipe, I got you cover...

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Uncategorized May 02, 2020

Digestion is EVERYTHING! If we can’t break down foods into the very building blocks that help us regenerate and rebuild, how can we absorb what we need to live? 

With an estimated 74% of Americans living with digestive symptoms like diarrhea, gas, bloating, acid reflux, and abdominal pain, it’s become normal to live in digestive discomfort. (Source) This is SO sad and completely unnecessary. This is primarily due to a high consumption of processed foods and high levels of stress.

Breaking down, assimilating, and utilizing nutrients is a vital process that keeps us alive! If our digestion is working perfectly, we are healthy! If our digestion is slow, or troubled, we may suffer from countless symptoms or chronic illnesses.

In this post I offer you a deeper understanding of how digestion works. This is KEY to grasp so that you can advocate for your gut health! 

Check out this diagram of the digestive process: 


It’s important to note that digestion is a n...

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Uncategorized Apr 15, 2020

“Silence isn’t empty, it’s full of answers.” – unknown

The world glorifies busyness.

For a long time, I did too.

I based my worth on how busy and productive I was. it wasn’t until motherhood that I realized that the manifestations of this false belief was extremely toxic.

The mind can be addictive. It’s always looking to keep us safe and thrives on fear-based information. It can keep us in negative thought loops, which unconsciously creates a life that is not in alignment with what we truly want.

For so long I “was going to meditate when _” happened. I put it off, as sitting still seemed boring and almost a waste of time. I eventually had no choice to face the endless thoughts that dictated my life as I had to get control of me! I was literally out of control and my health was spiraling downward. The stress of motherhood was making me physically sick.

It took a few weeks until I found space between my thoughts and didn’t get distracted. It was not something I looked forward to, s...

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Uncategorized Apr 07, 2020

When I started out on my clean living journey, I realized that:

  1. It’s impossible to be perfect at this clean-living thing.
  2. When you retrain your taste buds to love real food… that’s all you ever want. Fake food tastes… well fake and fucking gross.
  3. There is SO much beautiful and delicious food that Mother Nature has given us… it just takes time and dedication to discover it.
  4. Simple switches can propel you to a whole new level of nourishing your body.

This post is all about number 4. Simple switches to slowly guide you to a healthier way of nourishing your body. It’s all about taking baby steps and discovering a new way of sourcing the very food that becomes you!



Every cell in our body requires fat. If we are eating low quality and rancid oils, how do you think our cells feel? Our brain NEEDS healthy fats to function!!

Unhealthy Fats (All processed vegetable oils – Soybean, canola, corn, safflower, su...

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