How to Avoid GMO's Linked to Chronic Illness

 If you aren't already familiar with GMO's this post is for you! 

GMO's are one of humans biggest mistakes. What was once thought would be an idea that changed the world and fed the hungry, became one of the biggest lies that the world has ever known. 

GMO's are not safe. They have been linked to numerous chronic diseases. Before we dive into the health detriments of these organisms and the chemicals that accompany them, let's get a better understanding of what they actually are. 

GMOs simply stand for Genetically Modified Organisms.

These are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a lab through genetic engineering. This creates combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and virus genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods.

Sound appetizing? No, this is the epitome of messing with Mother Nature. Which has NEVER ended well. 

While many countries like, Europe, have banned GMO cultivation, the United States glor...

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Simple Curly Kale Salad

This is a simple salad that can be thrown together in a matter of minutes. It's so good for digestion and giving us the fiber we need for a healthy gut! 

 Kale has so many health benefits! It promotes detoxification, skin health, has tons of antioxidants, and has ample fiber... which we all need more of in our diets! Pair kale with lemon juice, also super detoxifying, onion, which our gut bugs love to eat, and extra virgin olive oil, the healthy fat... you have magic! 

The nuts add more healthy fat to help you absorb all of those amazing fat-soluble vitamins! 

The trick to making curly kale easier to eat, massage it with oil! It breaks down the hard fibers! Sautéing kale is also one of my favorite side dishes... I'll post that recipe soon too. 

Okay enough chit-chat... let's do this: 


  • 1 bunch of organic curly kale 
  • 1/2 small white onion, diced 
  • Juice from 1-2 lemons
  • 4 Tbsps. grated parmesan
  • 1/2 cup roasted pine nuts (can sub for chopped almonds or walnuts)
  • H
  • ...
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How to Make Your Coffee Healthier (Recipe Included!)

beverages hippie kitchen Sep 27, 2020

It is estimated that 64% of Americans drink a cup of coffee every day! 

A study published in 2005 by researchers at the University of Scranton (Pa.) indicated that coffee was the number one source of antioxidants in the American Diet than from any other source. 

Our body needs antioxidants! These substances can help prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body produced by a reaction or response to an environmental stressors. 

Of course, I recommend getting your daily dose of antioxidants and nutrients from fruits and vegetables, but the fact is that only 1 in 10 Americans actually get enough fruits and vegetables in their daily diet. 

For the purpose of this post, we will focus on coffee and how to make the most of your morning cup of Joe.  If you have a cup of coffee everyday, this post may inspire you to up your coffee-game and take baby steps to make it healthier and infuse it with super foods that can not only increas...

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5 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

life Sep 25, 2020

The last few months I have spent a lot of time reflecting on my life... maybe it's all part of the midlife crisis phenomenon? I'm 41 and in the midst of a deep realization that my life is half way over! We won't focus on that... haha. 

Part of my process and growth has been discovering how I fell victim to the lies our culture doles out to us and the constant message that we all need to consume, consume, consume to be better, bigger, richer, have more status, and be enough. I lived for so long believing that it actually matters what people think of me and living lies is better than living our fullest and most authentic selves. 

Now maybe this is part of the midlife crisis? Self-realization? BUT why don't we just teach out kids to not even live in the matrix and become who they are meant to be NOW!? 

I truly believe there is so much unnecessary suffering and pain because of the false beliefs that we own and create our lives around. 

So, here are the 5 things that I want to share fro...

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How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

healthy food video Sep 21, 2020

Did you know that when we start supporting a more sustainable system and eat food that nourishes us we contribute to the healing of the collective and the planet. Too woo woo? 

One of the most common complaints I get from friends, family, and clients is that eating healthy is expensive, but is it really? What is the true cost of eating healthy... a lot less than eating like shit and experiencing a low quality of future life. Too blunt?

Being sick is expensive. Chronic diseases cost our country $3.7 trillion dollars annually and it's only going up from here. Unless, and I have hope, that we begin to create change by starting right with ourselves. There's never a good time to begin. It's always now... and now... and now. 

Okay, I got off on a tangent. Does anyone actually read blogs anymore? 

If you understand how to work the food system and do a little planning... you'll discover it's actually simple to eat healthy and not spend a fortune!

In this video, l share all the things I've...

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Simple Sweet Potato & Zucchini Hash

Whenever summer transitions into fall, I take full advantage of the new seasonal produce coming into play. Just so you know, peak season for sweet potatoes is October through March. 

Sweet potatoes are such a beautiful source of complex carbohydrates. They help stabilize blood sugar, are high in antioxidants, and are packed with Vitamin A, the immune system LOVING vitamin! 

Whenever a diet removes any macro-nutrients, I recommend you run the other way! Our body needs ALL of these to function properly. So instead of consuming simple processed carbs, focus on the plethora of beautiful Mother Nature made complex carbohydrates to satiate you carb-cravings. Not only do we need complex carbohydrates to  balance our hormones, but also to create balance in our appetite and metabolism! 

Pair this root veggie with zucchini (also loaded with nutrients - vitamin C & antioxidants), garlic, and onions (both which the gut/microbiome LOVE, you get a delicious and nourishing dish that is SO good! It...

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My Top 6 Healthy Skin Tips

"Healthy skin is a reflection of overall wellness."  - Howard Murad M.D. 

Not only is our skin the largest organ in our body (16% of our total body weight) it protects us from the world around us. Our skin is always letting us know what's going on in the inside. It is truly a reflection of how our body's systems are operating.

Have you heard of face mapping?

Face mapping is an ancient medicinal technique that makes connections between problems on the face and overall health. If you want to learn more check out this article by Dr. Axe, Face Mapping; What Your Skin May Be telling You

Paying attention to what our skin is telling us is vital! We are always receiving messages about what's going on inside of us. Symptoms are simply messengers urging us to pay attention and take action!  Instead of opting for over the counter meds or countless and expensive doctors appointments, we must learn how to support our body with what it needs and help heal from the inside out. 

Did you know there are ov...

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Divine Greek Chickpea & Herb Salad

This herbaceous salad is one nourishing powerhouse meal! Loaded with TONS of nutrients, antioxidants, polyphenols, and most importantly it's fucking delicious. 

Summer and salads are meant for each other. There is nothing like a crisp, cold, and satiating salad in the summer evenings. I ALWAYS double the batch. This is a huge batch and fed my husband and I twice, with about one serving left over. 

I added lots of herbs to this salad. Parsley is super rich in antioxidants, has antibacterial properties, super rich in nutrients that supports eye health, and is high in vitamin C! 

Basil is also an important component in the salad and dressing. Basil is great for digestion, anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants, is great for our skin, and promotes a health gut! It's also a beautiful addition to make this salad even more freaking yummy! 

Last but not least, I added just a bit of fresh oregano. Oregano is one powerful herb. It's a really great antibacterial agent, has lots of phytonutri...

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Chicken Fajita Salad

This is such a simple and delicious dish. I always make extra, so I can eat more of it tomorrow. I always add green chile, I'm from NM, and it's an absolute staple! You can always up the spice with red peppers or even jalapenos. Make it easy and batch cook, so you can eat more tomorrow too! 

Just a little insight, all my meals consist of four important components: 

  1.  Clean Protein (Consciously & Ethically Sourced)
  2. At least 5 colors of veggies (always including greens & herbs), this will cover fiber intake! 
  3. Healthy fats - vital for cellular health 
  4. Yumminess 

This chicken fajita salad checks all the boxes, especially number 4! I love meals that not only taste fucking delicious, but are satiating and savory. Okay, let's do this. 

 Fajita Ingredients: 

  • 1 medium onion sliced into slivers
  • 1 small bell pepper (any color will do) 
  • 3 cloves of garlic minced
  • 2-3 cups of cooked chicken (rotisserie or grilled) 
  • 2 tsp. cumin 
  • Everyday seasoning (I LOVE @Slavosalt all-purpose sea...
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The Essential Oils I use EVERYDAY!

clean living hippie oils Aug 11, 2020

A journey to clean living will always bring you into the world of essential oils.

Mother Nature infused plants with the ability to heal. Essential oils are literally the plant’s life-force, it’s blood per se. This plant ‘blood’ supports our own health and wellness. 

Historical use of essential oil date back over 5,000 years ago as there was Anthropological evidence that aromatic plant life used with carrier oils like sesame and olive oils created ointments!

These beautiful oils work directly with our very own cells. You can use them topically, internally, and/or aromatically.

According to her book, The Essential Oil Truth, Jen O’Sullivan, states that:

"The human body is composed of around 100 trillion cells. Essential oils are composed of around 40 million trillion molecules per single drop! That is 40,000,000,000,000,000,000! Can you even fathom that number? Why and how can that many molecules fit into one single drop of essential oil? Simple: their molecules are extraordinarily ...

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Learn about the most potent herbs, foods, supplements, and spices that support the body and immune system when sickness arises! Discover a new way to approach the body when it is compromised and support it as it heals and restores itself! 


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