Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding

hippie kitchen treats Aug 10, 2022

This is seriously such a divine treat and what's awesome is it's packed with nutrients.

I love sweets, so my strategy isn't to deny myself but to create desserts that are not only satisfying and delicious but nourishing as well.

The beautiful thing about this recipe is the whole family will love it!! 

Chia seeds are:

  • Packed with antioxidants
  • Have tons of fiber
  • Contain protein
  • Have Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Great source of calcium, phosphorus, and Zinc!

All of the above help lower inflammation and give the body the building blocks it needs to do what it is supposed to do, keep you alive and healthy!

What's even better is when you soak chia seeds they become gelatinous and can even help prevent dehydration. Soaking them also helps rid their digestive inhibitors (all seeds have these). So basically they are better for your digestive system and are SO good for helping regulate bowel movements. 

This recipe also has tons of healthy fats and magnesium, from the cacao! You don't have...

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Instapot Steel Cut Oatmeal

Sometimes there is nothing like a warm, nourishing and yummy bowl of oatmeal in the morning. 

When I was young, I'd eat those oatmeal packets where you pour them into a bowl and mix with water, then pop it into the microwave. 

I used to LOVE that sweet and salty , yet upon my awakening, I wouldn't touch those packets with a 10-ft pole!  

I still love oatmeal and have grown to love making every batch with love and intention. 

For some reason, I prefer steel cut oats over regular rolled oats. 

My favorite brand, is the Organic Sprouted Steel Cut Oats from One Degree. Photo below of it below: 

The trick is to make oats more digestible and kinder to our bodies, is soaking them for 8-12 hours before cooking them. 

Sprouted oats will always be easier to digest and the first step will always be so SOAK YOUR OATS the night before!

To do so...

  1. Place 2.5 cups of oats in a large bowl
  2. Cover with filtered water
  3. Add 2 Tbsp. of ACV
  4. Mix well and let soak overnight

The following reci...

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Apple Cinnamon Granola (Grain Free!)

Granola has a bad rap.

Most store-bought are full of processed oils, tons of sugars, and ingredients that aren't recognizable by Mother Nature.

Many also have GMO's which wreak havoc on our digestive system and make pesticides even harder for the body to break down!

I have yet to find a legit granola I like.

So of course, I had to make my own! 

This is a yummy granola recipe I love to eat with a clean whole milk and 100% grass fed yogurt and then top it with fruit like sliced bananas and fresh blue berries.

It's also super yummy to just eat it like cereal with your homemade nut and seed milks

It's super quick to create and simple to throw together, bake, and enjoy.

Don't get too caught up on having ALL the ingredients. You can sub different nuts and seeds or just make it even more simple because sometimes less is more! 

Okay, let's do this!

Apple Cinnamon Granola

Serving Size: 10 (ish)

Ingredients: (all organic ingredients recommended)

  • 4 cups sprouted oatmeal ( I use a...
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Classic Homemade Hummus

I’m all about dips.

You make a big batch and there they are waiting to be eaten when you’re starving… they last for days in the fridge and when you make them with real, whole, nourishing ingredients… they can help you stay on track.

The magic in nourishing your body is our willinness to prep and prepare for the future hungry versions of us who are on a rampage to stuff our face. Giving those versions of us healthy options ready to be ravished is key! 

This classic homemade hummus recipe is one I’ve been using for years!

Super easy, really yummy, and nourishing. Boom.

Let’s do this:

Classic Hummus 

Serving Size: 4-8 
Tools Needed: Food processor or high-speed blender


  • 3 cups cooked garbanzo beans (I LOVE Eden foods if you aren't making your own)
  • 1 cup garbanzo bean liquid (use the water after cooking or the liquid in the can).
  • 1/4 cup high quality extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 large garlic cloves
  • Juice from 2 lemons
  • 1/3 cup tahini
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • Sea salt to taste (I
  • ...
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How to Make Homemade Nut / Seed Milk

Once you taste homemade nut milk, you will NEVER buy synthetic vitamin, gum and carrageen infused, and chemical-laden nut milk again.

All the gums, emulsifiers, stabilizers, and additives added to seemingly healthy nut milks are a huge cause for concern. 

They are all linked to major digestive issues. 

Wondering why you feel bloated after drinking your coffee with oat milk? 

Read my blog post all about gums and how to avoid them. 

Learning about these gums and how they are linked to poor health catapulted me to making my very own nut milk and well, there’s just no turning back.

Nut milk is super easy to make and absolutely delicious. 

It takes a little foresight since we must soak the nuts/seeds overnight with a little bit of sea salt. 

Soaking helps break down antinutrients in the nuts and seeds AND helps soften them to make the nut milk creamy and so yummy.

So it's vital that we think ahead and make it happen.

First there are the 4 things that you need to make this magical ...

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Hippie Mom Raw Bars

I really couldn’t think of a better name for these delicious raw bars, so Hippie Mom Raw Bars it is!

These raw ingredients are nutrient-dense, high in fiber, loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, protein, and satisfy that sweet tooth with flavor and fullness.


You can always make these your own by playing with different seeds, nut butters, and toppings! 


Let’s do this:

Hippie Mom Raw Bars

Serving Size: 8-10 servings

Base Ingredients:

  • 1 cup organic (sprouted is best) oats I LOVE One Degree Brand
  • 1 cup organic almond, peanut, cashew, or any other nut and/or seed butter
  • 1 cup organic raw pecans, almonds, cashews, or walnuts
  • 10-12 dates (pitted)
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup chia, hemp, flax, and/or sesame seeds (mix and match or just use one!)
  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil or 100% grass-fed butter 

Dark Chocolate Topping 

  • 2 – 2.5  cups organic dark chocolate chips (melted)
  • 1-2 tsp of Sea salt


  1. Melt chocolate chips in a sauce pan on super l
  2. ...
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Heavenly Veggie Coconut Curry

Currently, my friends, this is my favorite dish! 

It's warm, nourishing, packed with so many beautiful colors and nutrients. 

Each ingredient is anti-inflammatory, fully of antioxidants, and created by Mother Nature herself. 

It's not the easiest dish to make, BUT, it's worth every ounce of effort! I make a huge batch and will eat it for days and days. 

I recently created this for the most amazing retreat I attended, and the attendees LOVED it! It's perfect to make for lots of people, or just to hoard it all yourself. 

I serve it on top of soaked and cooked basmati rice. Before serving I add cilantro, minced ginger, and lime juice from one or two limes. 

You can also use bone broth to up the ante and add more bioavailable nutrients that your body is craving! 

Enough chit chat, let's do this! 

Heavenly Veggie Coconut Curry 

Serving Size: 8 

Tools Needed: 

  • Instapot
  • Hand Mixer

Curry Veggie Sauce


  • 2 Tbsp. of Coconut Oil
  • 1 Large Yellow Onions (chopped)
  • ...
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Salmon | Chicken | Tuna Salad

I have a hard time creating recipes as everything I make is just intuitively thrown together. 

AND so many people who I’ve fed this dish to LOVE it so I did my work and measured it all out!

The thing is this salad is so delicious and nourishing.

Full of good fats, proteins, and yummy-ness this is a common dish we have at the Wells household.

Wild-caught salmon is so nourishing AND satiating! One of the most wonderful things it contains is anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids which are PARAMOUNT to good health! 

Check out this article – 17 Science-Based Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids!

Do you know what else I love about this concoction?

You can mix up the protein! I use this recipe for chicken, tuna, and salmon salads. The choice is yours! 

You can also add SO many nourishing and nutrient-dense herbs.

Not only do herbs provide incredible flavors but are packed with SO many health benefits… it’s not even funny. You'd better not be laughing! 

The herbs I love to use are:

#1 DI...

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Grass-fed beef and Bison Chili

When Fall comes it brings cooler weather inspiring us to warm up our dishes in the kitchen. This has to be one of my favorite cold-weather soups. Make a huge batch and nourish yourself for days!

I love adding in bone broth to add make the dish more nutrient dense. I’ll be posting my bone broth recipe soon too!

The main ingredient in this chili is of course…. GROUND BEEF!

Now let’s just visit the importance of sourcing meat.

If you’re here, you may not need education on the health and environmental issues conventional meat creates, however so many people don't realize that how they choose their meat is just as important as how they choose their partner in life! LOL

Personally, I only source and consume consciously raised grass fed AND grass finished beef.

My absolute FAVORITE source, if you are in New Mexico, Sweet Mercy Farms is a PHENOMENAL source for clean beef and pork in this area. 

Even if you don't have access to local beef, going organic is the next step! A great website ...

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How to read ingredient lists like a boss.

Grocery shopping has become a mind-game.

Label reading is confusing and most of us just don’t spend the time to really understand what is actually in our food.

Reading ingredient lists is a LIFE skill.

It takes a little time, patience, and practice to become an expert!

I highly recommend you investing time in reading every label on each product you buy.

Understanding exactly what you are ingesting and putting into your precious body is SO important!!!! 

As you will see, it can be extremely difficult to know what food is simply by the ingredient list.

This is why it is paramount to discriminate what goes into your cart because those are exactly the foods that go into your body!

For example, you can buy peanut butter with tons of preservatives, additives and brain-starving processed oils or you can buy a jar with just peanuts and sea salt.

The choice is entirely up to you.

 Being empowered and confident with label reading is one of the first steps in obtaining FOOD FREEDOM! 


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