Happy Monday bright and beautiful soul,
I had a little time yesterday morning. [Listen to this blog post here]
I was waiting for the bacon to cook, so, I popped on social media for a few minutes.
I set my timer for 5 minutes, because if I don't, then 30 minutes will fly by and I'll find myself lost in the scrolling portal, and then my boys would complain about burnt bacon.
My intention was to find inspiration, quotes, memes, and posts that brought to surface something that I could share or write about with our beautiful community.
We all need a little help finding inspiration sometimes.
The first thing that popped up was a story on Facebook.
It was posted by a dear and close family member.
She is my soul sister and has been struggling the last few weeks.
A mother of 5, with a brand-new baby.
The video was of her precious toe-headed son walking barefoot on the street and a beautiful view of the Sandia Mountains expanding behind him.
The words written were, "We're r...
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