Dairy is one of the most controversial food groups known to man!
The famous "Drink Milk" campaign has many Americans brainwashed to believe drinking conventional milk is healthy.
I'm here to share with you the fact that NOT ALL dairy is bad for you, however, the most important thing you can do when buying or consuming dairy, is buy the kind of dairy that is not full of hormones, GMO's, toxins, and void of probiotics, enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.
However, the animals from which that dairy came were grazed on mineral and vitamin-rich grass.
Nowadays, the cows who produce the majority of the milk for consumer consumption are sick and fed GMO feed and antibiotics to make them fat.
Recently information has come out that conventional dairy farmers are feeding their cow's candy! With the price of corn rising farmers are now looking at other types of food to feed cows, and candy has b...
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