She poured the milk in a plastic sippy cup and...

Hello holistic warrior,

She poured the milk in a plastic sippy cup and put it into the microwave. 

[Listen to this blog post here]

Then she pressed the 30 second button. 

The little girl was so excited about her "milky" that she began a loud shrieking sound and was pulling on her mom's shirt. 

"She sure loves milk!" the mom smiled and said as she pulled the sippy cup out of the microwave and handed it to her daughter. 

The little girl ripped it from her hand and went running back to play with the other kids. 

At first, I found myself judging. 

This was over 6 years ago, and that part of my journey included a lot of judgement for moms and families that continued the path of mainstream. 

How could she give her that? I thought to myself. 

I had already learned to hate conventional milk, plastic, and microwaves, and this experience put them all together for me. 

Watching the little girl drink from that sippy cup made my stomach hurt. 

All I could think about is all the micropla...

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The Story of My Awakening (Part 8) - Our marriage was suffering

awakening story Nov 22, 2021
In the last part of this series, I shared my awakening of vaccines...
Now I will be sharing with you my struggles in my marriage and the huge shift that propelled my family out of the destructive-divorce-is-imminent phase to I think we have a chance phase. 
A whole year had gone by after the serendipitous dinner with my dear friend Kellie that led to the creation of the Hippie Moms Community on Facebook. 
You can still join in if you aren’t already there!
I finally felt connected to a group of women where I could share my heart and ask for advice when I needed it.
I would post and engage daily. 
Eventually, we changed the names to Hippie Moms as we agreed that the “aren’t crazy” was defensive! Haha!
We were going to own being Hippie Moms!
I was going to own this opportunity and somehow create a space where women like me could go and feel like they were not alone.
It became my mission and the community grew and grew.
It was such a great outlet for...
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The Story of My Awakening (Part 6) - I was SO lonely

awakening story Nov 22, 2021
Hey! Thanks for continuing on this journey with me!
You see when I started on this journey, I was so lonely.
I was trying SO hard to make all these lifestyle changes and fullfilling all the roles in my life.
As I continued to research and spend countless hours learning how to make my home and life safer for my family, I began to uncover the depths of my own conditioning.
Even though I continued to bear the responsibility of my ignorance, it was hard to hide my anger and frustration.
I just felt duped.
When all I wanted was happy and healthy children and the world I lived in was constantly undermining my efforts to create this.
After the low moment I shared with you last week, I knew things had to shift.
I was not okay.
I couldn’t bear to live like this anymore.
I was afraid that I would hurt one of my kids or even hurt myself.
I was just so tired and I felt alone on this journey.
My husband was working like crazy. 
My family is in anothe...
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The Story of My Awakening (Part 5) - My Breaking Point

awakening story Nov 22, 2021
Now I share with you the last part of this series, my depth of motherhood.
It was a very shameful and vulnerable moment. 
I had my second son, Ryder, in December of 2013.
Of course, it changed the dynamic of our family of 3 and it was a welcome change.
I had made some major shifts in the way we ate and lived and I felt that we were all getting healthier. 
My pregnancy was much easier than my first and I was much more confident in early motherhood. 
I didn’t frequent the google dark hole as often :) 
Being a mom, having a new baby, working, and keeping everyone alive were a lot of stress. I was always overwhelmed.
At this time, I just assumed that this was how motherhood was supposed to be.
I trusted myself and my ability to be a mom and this my friends was a game-changer.
I felt as if I had this mom-thing down and was enjoying being at home with my kids… well at least in the beginning.
About a year later is when I had a major breakdown.
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The Story of My Awakening (Part 3) - You Should Stop Breastfeeding

awakening story Nov 22, 2021
Hey there :) 
I gave birth to my son in September 2011. 
I ended up having a C-section as he was breached and it was a traumatic birthing experience (more on that another time).
He was not a happy baby. He was a miserable baby.
He was constantly crying, gagging, spitting up, and seemed to always be in pain.
It was hell as a brand new mom. 
This experience did not mirror the hypothetical early motherhood experience I dreamed up before he was born.
I went to the pediatrician to tell him all about the excruciating pain my son was having.
He examined him and said, “Well I don’t see anything wrong, it could just be acid reflux and I think he could be allergic to something in your milk.”
Then he continued to suggest that I stop breastfeeding and find a formula to try.
He wrote me a prescription for some acid reflux medicine and walked out of the room. That was the last time I ever saw him.
I was SO confused.
“Allergic to my breastmilk?” I thoug...
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