Your Guide to Quality Supplements

I write this with love and in hope to support all humanity to understand that supplements are not the next “quick fix”.

If you are here, than you probably are steering clear of prescription drugs and looking for other ways to support your health, specifically your immune system, and I am here to tell you that supplements can support you but what you eat is the most important “supplement” you should be focusing on!

The number one question I have from clients is “What supplement will help _____ (symptom)?”. Unfortunately, regardless if we are more health-focused or not, many of us still believe in the pill for every ill… and now we are seeing it with supplements.

Now, don’t get me wrong I’d prefer supplements to prescriptions any day of the week, but they are not the answer. .

When we get to the root of symptoms we support the WHOLE body, rather than just a part.

Our body is literally a universe made of trillions of cells, more than the stars in the sky! It’s complex and brilliant and we ALL have an innate capability to heal and when we give our body what it needs, magic happens.

Let’s first focus on the most important way to get our nutrients… EAT (A VARIETY OF) REAL WHOLE FOOD! This is the most bio-available way for your body to digest, assimilate, absorb, and use them!

However, even more, important than food, we must tend to our digestive system! This is the system that breaks down, absorbs, and assimilates nutrients. If it’s not working correctly, then there is a domino effect throughout the entire body! So no matter how many supplements you take, if your body can’t break them down, they will go right through you, literally. You are throwing money down the toilet!

“We are what we eat”. Would you agree with this statement? Most would, but I suggest you take it one step further and understand this:


With an estimated 74% of Americans living with digestive symptoms like diarrhea, gas, bloating, acid reflux, and abdominal pain, it’s become normal to live in digestive discomfort. (Source) This is SO sad and completely unnecessary.

Our digestive system is our largest interaction with the outside world. You thought it was our skin, didn’t you? Check out my blog post Understanding Digestion for amazing insight and ways to help support your digestive system FIRST! Getting your digestive tract on TRACK will allow you to actually absorb those expensive supplements!


Here are some simple rules when it comes to sourcing and consuming food!

  1. Consume minimally processed, unrefined, whole foods that are close to how they appear in nature.
  2. Drink enough water every day (weight/2= #ounces to drink daily)
  3. Eat a diverse range of local, seasonal, organic fruits and vegetables
  4. Choose grass-finished meats, pasture-raised poultry and eggs, and wild-caught seafood.
  5. Avoid Hydrogenated oils and trans fats
  6. Avoid refined sugar
  7. Avoid refined carbohydrates
  8. Eat ingredients rather than food-like products with a list of ingredients
  9. Eat slowly and chew your food (Read Understanding Digestion!)
  10. Limit caffeine & alcohol

For more tips and insight, check out my blog post  Super Simple Switches!!

Okay now that you get that food is your first focus before supplements, I’d like to offer you some questions to ask when spending your hard-earned money on supplements! No one needs to waste their money and put them down the toilet (pun intended).


  1. Does the company have good manufacturing practices (GMP Certified)
  2. Do they do any third-party testing?
  3. Are they derived from whole food concentrates, isolates, or synthetics (can you guess which one is best?).
  4. Are they using organic and/or non-GMO ingredients?
  5. Do they contain any offensive “other ingredients” like
    1. natural flavors
    2. artificial colors flavors
    3. unnecessary sweeteners
    4. common allergens like wheat, lactose, or corn
    5. Hydrogenated oils
    6. Gums, fillers, or binders
    7. Maltodextrin
  6. Do they common allergens like wheat, lactose, or corn?
  7. What about hydrogenated oils, gums, fillers, maltodextrin, or binders?
  8. Are you buying them off of questionable sites like Amazon or other sites not specifically designed to sell supplements? This is so important as many supplements require consistent low temperatures to stay bio-available and not become rancid! 

The list below show different forms vitamins & minerals are derived from. Since you are spending your hard-earned money on supplements, learn what forms are better for your body and more bio-available! 


I’d also like to offer you some ideas on what forms of supplements to look for. It’s vital to understand there are more bio-available forms available. Check this out:

Buying supplements is challenging. This is why I offer my clients access to high quality supplements. 

I use the supplement company, FullScripts, which is an online portal for Natural Partners. One of the most incredible supplement companies I've discovered. They only carry high-quality supplement brands and store them in their temperature-controlled warehouses. They even ship with the weather in mind! 

If you are interested in getting access to this supplement company, click here.

Here are links to the protocols I've created for myself and my clients: 

 Gut Healing Protocol - This is the supplement package I use for my 14 Day Gut Healing Cleanse Program. It has everything you need to support your body's ability to detox, heal, and renew itself over the 14-day cleanse! 

Everyday Supplement Package for Women - This is the protocol I use daily for myself. It contains incredible nutrients that your body can use to do what it's supposed to do, heal, regenerate, and renew! 

Recommended Kids Supplements - This protocol includes all the incredible kid's supplements I use or have used with my kids. Whether your kids like to chew or swallow, you'll find the top brands I recommend. 

I highly recommend a daily multi-vitamin, vitamin D + K2, magnesium, and fish oil! 

Everyday Supplement Package for Men - Men & women require different nutrients, so this is a protocol I use for men in my programs... and my husband! As you will see there are similar supplements within the Men's & Women's protocol. If you are looking for your hubby, you can share the ones that I recommend for both of you and buy the different ones so you each get what you need! 

Prenatal Supplement Package - Like the other packages, this package has the top quality supplements for growing another human being. I SO wish I had these when I was pregnant. The multivitamin provides the mother the purest and bioavailable forms of nutrients, especially folate!!! 

Remember, supplements are there to SUPPLEMENT your diet! What our bodies need is nutrients from real whole beautiful food! This is why I LOVE teaching people how to nourish their bodies! If you are ready to make a lifestyle change and learn the fundamentals of true life-long health, then join us in my 14 Day Gut Healing Cleanse Program! Just click on the link to learn more! 

In love and light, 

Becky Wells
NTP, Clean Living Educator & Advocate



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