The 3 Types of Processed Foods

 My quest to help people become more informed about the very food they put into their bodies has led me to realize that not all processed foods are bad! 

There are some simple principles that we can use to understand what food is good for us and what isn't. 

With all of the mixed and manipulative marketing messaging out there, it's no wonder so many people have no idea how to eat healthy! 

The more you understand what is and what it not processed, the easier it will be to make more informed decisions of what you put into your sacred and beautiful body. 

But first, let's define what the characteristics are of food that actually is nourishing:  

  1. Found in Nature
  2. Has One Ingredient
  3. From Whole Real Foods 
  4. Nutrient-Dense
  5. Properly Prepared

So what is food that does not nourish our body? Well, it's:  

  1. Moderately or heavily processed
  2. Has a long ingredient list
  3. Nutrient-deficient 

What I hope this blog post does is give you a deeper understanding as you navigate the grocery store and learn to categorize all packaged, boxed, and bagged foods that you encounter. 

The goal ultimately is to buy and consume foods that are closely found in nature. 

Because nature knows best and our body knows nature best! 

In order for you to have a better understanding of what foods in packages are healthy and which ones aren't, we will learn the 3 basic categories of processed foods: 

  1. Minimally processed foods include bagged salads, packages of frozen fruits or vegetables, oils like extra virgin olive or coconut oils, and packaged whole or ground nuts or coffee.

    Canned beans and tuna also fall in this category, as does baby food that is pureed and jarred.
  2. Moderately processed foods have ingredients added for safety or to ensure that food retains visual and taste appeal.

    These ingredients may include sweeteners, colors, flavors, oils, spices, and preservatives. Moderate processing occurs in foods like cake mixes, salad dressings, gelatin, instant potatoes, pudding mixes, and tomato sauces.
  3. Heavily processed foods undergo many processes so they are ready to eat right out of the package, like granola bars, crackers, cookies, TV dinners, frozen pizzas, ice cream, carbonated beverages, spreadable cheese, and crackers. 

Can you guess what categories we are working to avoid?

Quick Challenge:

Look around your kitchen and find 3 packaged foods that you currently have in your pantry. Looking at the ingredient lists, Determine what category they fall into. 

Do this as much as you can to build your awareness and ability to categorize packaged foods quickly and effortlessly! 

You'll begin to decipher much more efficiently and navigate the grocery store with more confidence, and most importantly fill your cart with food that nourishes you rather than stripping your life force right out from under you! 

For extra support or if you want to learn more about how to buy better food for your body and your family, then check out the episode on the Hippie Moms Podcast, How to Source and Consume Real Whole Food.  

Just begin with small steps and move forward. 

In advocation for your soul home, 

Becky Wells 
The Hippie Moms, LLC
The Hippie Moms Podcast

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