Homemade Popsicles

hippie kitchen treats Jul 01, 2020

Let’s reminisce….

… dog days of summer,  playing by the pool all day long (probably without sunscreen), and consuming Popsicles until our heart’s content… awe the sugary sweetness paired with frozen sensation was marvelous.

Now back to reality. Store-bought Popsicles are laden with high fructose corn syrup and artificial coloring making this novelty treat a tragic reflection of  the over processed and cheapened food industry… even the sweetest and most simple summer treats fall victims.

Just because it’s summertime doesn’t mean you have to forego one of the most awesome inventions ever!

Homemade Popsicles are so simple and require just a few tools: Blender, Popsicle Molds, and Popsicle sticks. I recently purchased these and DIG them…

Two super simple recipes for Homemade Popsicles:


2 bananas
3 tbsp cacao powder
1/4 cup nut butter
1/2 cup nut or coconut milk (full fat coconut milk is SUPER yummy)
1 tbsp of honey or maple syrup (optional)

*Nut allergies? Just use your version of milk, nix the nut butter (seed butter is always a great option too!).

Waterberry lime pops:

4 cups chopped watermelon
2 cups strawberries (raspberries, grapes, and blueberries are awesome too!)
Juice from 1 small lime or lemon

Blend together all ingredients and pour into Popsicle molds. Make sure to leave about 1/4 inch from top of mold as the liquid will expand. Then… Boom. You and your kids can enjoy guiltless frozen treats poolside

Hippie Tip: Make Homemade Popsicles using the leftovers from your breakfast smoothie or fresh juices (or just make a little extra)! 

For more kid friendly frozen treat recipes from Super Healthy Kids click here! 

Live Hippily… and allow your kids to reminisce about your amazing homemade popsicles (rather than toxic store bought ones.)


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